Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cake slice

Just one rosebud,a rose,a rosette...makes a plain cake slice perfectly elegent!


Sugarpink Icing said...

very creative! looks yummy too!

my little cakes for you said...

Thank you!Hope that i can decorate cakes as nice as yours day insyaallah.

eLyza said...

hmm memberi nafas baru utk slice cake :-)

btw i baru blaja buat kek & baru nk ambil kelas cupcakes ngan kak june. At the same time, i ader blogshop. feel free to browse yer? Thanks

my little cakes for you said...

hello eliza thank you for your time browsing my site. Class with kak june best..have fun ya!!

Lilies Cake

Beauty as it is..